Wednesday, July 11, 2012

MOLOCO + B12 Ext. placentae, cyanocobalamin Sugar coated tablet

Sugar coated tablet contains :
Ext. placentae …………………….. 15 mg
Cyanocobalamin ………………….. 20 mg

Mother’s milk – the best food for instans
Infant mortanly is without doubt one of the most pressing problems. Statistics show that at least ten precent of all deaths occurring in childhood take place in the first year of life. In the majority of cases this mortality is due indirectly to wrong feeding. Although many excellent baby foods are available, none of them, not even specially prepared cow’s milk, is altogether suitable for infants. Exceptionally strong babies may tolerate them, but the more delicate and weak are subject to constant digestive disturbances. It must be emphasized that the only correct food for a child during the first months of life is mother’s milk.

Human milk cannot be replaced or improved by any other kind of food. It is the only natural nutrient for babies. Most of the infants dying within the first nine months of life are bottle fed. It is a fact that breast fed babies show a remarkably low death rate. Unfortunately there are a great many mothers who can not nurse their children however strongly they desire to do so. Either they have no milk at all or else its flow begins to recede after a few weeks.

This of course causes considerable anxiety to a mother willing to care the best way possible for her child. In ability to nurse a baby usually is not the absence of the essential organs or to their underdevelopment. These organs normally exist, but a stimulus is required for their efficient functioning. The general opinion has been that good food would supply this stimulus.

This, however, is not correct !
The hormones and other active components of MOLOCO stimulate the activity of the milk glands to such an extent that nearly all mothers will be able to breast feed their children and thus provide effective protection against outside influences.

Numerous medical experiments have proved the correctness of this assertion and have given convincing evidence that the regular ingestion of this preparation does not cause the slightest inconvenience to mother and child. MOLOCO tablets are easy and agreeable to take and may either be swallowed whole or chewed. Three tablets should be taken pre day during the whole period of lactation, viz. during the first nine months after birth. Experience has shown that the milk flow may stop if the cure interrupted.

3 tablets daily. Once tablet after each principal meal.

On doctor’s prescription only.
Store at 25º - 30º C

Box of 6 strip of sugar coated tablets.

Manucfactured by :
PT Prafa

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